Domino is a game in which a player places domino pieces on a table, then pushes one domino over another to create a chain reaction that continues until all the dominoes fall. While there are many variations of this popular game, the basic principle is the same. Domino can be used to create intricate designs such as curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, or 3D structures such as towers and pyramids. Domino is a fun way to relax, socialize with friends, or learn math.
The word domino comes from the Italian phrase dominacciuo, meaning “I dominate”. The first known game of domino was played in France in about 1750. It was invented as a means of circumventing prohibitions against the playing of cards. The name also echoes the earlier sense of the word, which denoted a long hooded cloak worn together with a mask at carnival season or in a masquerade. Some of the first domino sets were made with ebony blacks and ivory whites, which might have reminded people of a priest’s black domino contrasting with his white surplice.
Each domino has a number of pips on one side, and is blank or identically patterned on the other. The pips resemble those on a die, except that some squares are blank, called the 0 suit. The most common domino sets contain 28 tiles, but larger ones are available for more elaborate games. The most basic Western domino game is a blocking game for two players, in which the pieces are shuffled face down on the table and each player draws seven tiles from the stock (also called the boneyard). Each domino must be attached to the end of those already placed so that their sum is divisible by five or three. A player scores a point for each time five or three can be divided into the sum of the end dominoes.
Dominoes are also used to make complex geometrical figures and designs, such as spirals and arcs. The art of creating these designs is referred to as domino sculpture. The designer may follow a version of the engineering-design process to develop the layout of the piece, or just use a creative approach and intuition.
Hevesh is a domino artist who has created a series of mind-blowing domino setups. She follows a similar engineering-design process when creating her domino artwork, starting with considering the theme or purpose of the installation and brainstorming images and words she might want to use. She then begins planning the track, determining how many dominoes will be needed to build the design she has in mind.
Hevesh has used her domino sculptures to raise money for various causes, including animal rescue and breast cancer research. Her pieces are usually displayed in public spaces and have drawn considerable attention from the media. She has a particular interest in promoting women’s issues and helping women find their voices. Hevesh has also been active in promoting her art in the community by giving talks about it and holding workshops on how to create a domino sculpture.