In the current world, it is important that the efforts of people who work tirelessly to make life better are recognized. This is exactly what the sidney prize was created to do. This prestigious award has become a worldwide symbol of prestige, and winners are able to take home significant sums of money that they can use to further their dreams.
Each month, the sidney prize honors writers attempting to further society-related understanding through writing or journalism. Judges are drawn from all areas of publishing in America (magazines, newspapers etc) and the winner is announced each month on Overland’s website. A number of entries are also featured as runner-ups.
The prize was established to perpetuate the generative influence that Professor Sidney Cox exercised upon thousands of Dartmouth students both inside and outside his classes. It recognizes undergraduate writing that best meets the high standards of originality and integrity he set for both himself and his students. The winners are chosen by a panel of distinguished judges.
In addition to the Sydney Prize, there are a variety of other awards that students can apply for. These can include scholarships, fellowships, and other types of financial assistance. It is important to research each one thoroughly to determine whether or not it is a good fit for you.
The Neilma Sidney Prize is an annual competition open to all Overland readers and subscribers, judged blind. The winning entry receives a cash prize of $5,000, and Overland will publish the essay in the summer issue. Past winners have included Hilton Als writing for The New Yorker, Ed Yong writing for The Atlantic, and many others. The contest is run by the non-profit publisher Overland and is open to all US residents.
If you are looking to attend university in the United States, you will want to look into all of the options available to you. There are a wide variety of universities, each with their own unique offerings and characteristics. While some are highly competitive, others offer a more laid-back atmosphere and may be a better match for you.
The Salmon Derby offers $30,000 in cash and merchandise prizes for anglers. Each participating sponsor is eligible to win a merchandise prize and a cash prize for the heaviest catch of the day. You can also sign up for a newsletter that will send you updates on the Derby, winner announcements, Calls for Entries, and Sidney’s Picks. The newsletter is free to join, so you should check it out!