The Hong Kong Prize and Other Prizes in 2019

The Hong Kong Prize is a new research grant scheme to encourage young scientists in HK, Macau and Mainland China to pursue unexplored areas of basic sciences and frontier technologies. The scheme is jointly initiated by the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences, a leading scientific institution in the territory, and the renowned Tencent Foundation. Prof. FAN Zhiyong, who is the first scientist from HK to be awarded this prestigious prize, will receive RMB 3 million over a period of five years, which is one of the highest talent funding programs for young scientists in China.

The HK Phil will extend its heartfelt thanks to the Hong Kong SAR Government, the HK Phil’s Principal Patron the Swire Group, and all music lovers in Hong Kong and around the world for their support in helping the HK Phil win this prestigious award. The HK Phil is pleased to collaborate with the organisers and look forward to continuing to work together for future projects to bring outstanding performances of world-class music to the people of Hong Kong and beyond.

This year, a special fund has been added to the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon to offer a HK$10,000 cash incentive award to permanent Hong Kong residents who complete the marathon within three hours (men) or three hours and 30 minutes (women). In addition, the title sponsor, Standard Chartered Hong Kong, will further raise the overall prize money of the race to a record high of HK$2.5 million, with a total of HK$200,000 being offered as the ‘Special Incentive Award for Local Challengers’, making it the highest in the event’s history.

During the protests in 2019, hundreds and even thousands of people including police officers, journalists and tourists or students from the mainland or innocent Hong Kong residents were attacked by anti-government rioters. Many public facilities including subway stations, traffic lights and street lamps were also vandalized. Many of these incidents were captured by Reuters and Pulitzer photographers who won the Breaking News Photography award in the 25th Hong Kong Prize competition. This caused great controversy among Chinese netizens who found the winning photos offensive.

The HK Hang Lung Mathematics Awards (2023) recently awarded a Gold Award to Kyan CHEUNG Ka-Hin and Ethan SOH Jon-Yi from Harrow International School Hong Kong for their research report titled “On the Properties of the Semigroup Generated by the RL Fractional Integral”. They are the only student team from Hong Kong to reach the final Oral Defense stage where they presented their research reports in front of a Scientific Committee comprising world-renowned scholars and educators. HKPA and the Scientific Committee are proud to see more and more young students from secondary schools in Hong Kong participating in this competition with a high standard of scholarship, research and methodology. HKPA will continue to promote the Hang Lung Mathematics Awards and provide support to local schools for this exciting and challenging competition. The 2023 competition received over 70 teams from close to 50 secondary schools.