How Dominos Can Teach Children About Sequence and Momentum


Many people know that domino is a game in which you line up rectangular tiles with numbers on them and then knock them over. Some kids enjoy just playing the game with their hands, but others use the tiles to create intricate structures. The most impressive domino constructions are made when a single piece is tipped ever-so-slightly and the rest fall in a cascade of rhythmic motion. This is called the Domino Effect. When creating fiction, we can think of a novel as a series of scene dominoes that influence each other in the same way that a single falling tile influences all the others.

When we play domino, we usually use a set of 28 tiles. These rectangular pieces are often referred to as bones, cards, tiles, spinners, or tickets. A domino has a blank side, a number side, and a pips side. Each pips side represents a number, from zero up to nine. Most common sets have a total of 24 pips, but larger sets are sometimes available with more or less than 24 pips. The more pips on a tile, the higher its value.

Each domino has a square end, with a number of pips on it, and an empty center, which is known as a “blank”. The pips are either molded or drilled into the piece, and they are always uniformly distributed across the face. The number on each pips side of the tile is indicated by a color, with white dominoes having black pips and vice versa. Some people prefer to play with colored dominoes, while others prefer the simplicity of the traditional colors.

Dominos are a great way to teach children about the concept of sequence and momentum. It is important for them to understand that one event can lead to another, and that one action can have a significant impact on the world around them. As they grow older, children can learn how to make connections and identify patterns in the real world. They can also practice analyzing situations and making decisions.

The company Domino’s is famous for its pizza, but they are also an excellent example of a corporation that focuses on employee satisfaction and retention. The previous CEO of Domino’s, David Brandon, focused on listening to employees. He started a program that allowed workers to speak openly about their concerns, and he also spoke directly with employees. When Dominic Doyle became the new CEO of Domino’s, he continued this policy and also focused on employee recruitment.

Hevesh has created mind-blowing domino setups for movies, TV shows, and even a Katy Perry album launch. Her largest creations take several nail-biting minutes to fall. When she starts a new installation, she begins by considering the theme or purpose of the piece. She then brainstorms images and words that could represent those ideas. Finally, she uses a version of the engineering-design process to begin planning out how she will build her structure. Then, when the final piece is in place, all she needs to do is tip it a little and watch it fall.