A Beginner’s Guide to Domino


Domino is a game of chance and skill, in which the player must move tiles from one hand to another until only one is left. It is often played by pairs, but it can be a single-player game. There are many variants, each requiring different number of tiles. Some popular ones include five-up, cribbage and double-six.

The Name

In the early 18th century, domino referred to a long hooded cloak worn at masquerades. It later came to mean a piece of playing equipment, or a set of cards with identical or marked spots on the faces. The word was recorded in 1771 in the Dictionnaire de Trevoux.

The Origin of the Game

Although it was first conceived in Europe, domino did not become a worldwide fad until the mid-18th century. During that period, it was played in Italy and Austria, and grew into a popular fad in France as well.

Unlike Chinese dominoes, European dominoes have no military-civilian suit distinctions or duplicates. Moreover, the identity-bearing face of each piece is divided into two squares by a line or ridge.

Each side of a domino is marked with a specific number of spots, or “pips.” Some pips may be blank, whereas others have the same value. Typically, there are eight pips on the top half of the card and six on the bottom, but this is not always the case.

How to Design Your Ultimate Domino Art

If you want to make the most incredible domino art, you need to think about what you want it to look like when it falls. Some ideas include straight lines, curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, or even stacked walls and 3D structures.

Then, you need to calculate how many dominoes are needed to create your design. This can take some thought and planning, but once you’ve done it, the results will be stunning.

How to Play the Game

Whether you’re playing for fun or trying to win a big prize, it is important to have a good grasp of the rules of the game. This will help you to determine when to draw and when to stop, as well as what actions to take.

In the game, each player begins with a hand of 28 tiles. Alternatively, there is a “stock” of shuffled tiles that can be used by all players at once.

To begin a hand, the first player draws the lowest domino from the stock and then moves it to the middle of the table. Then the second player draws the next domino from the stock and so on, until the entire hand is empty.

The game ends when the last domino is moved from the center of the table and the last tile is discarded, or a player runs out of tiles. It is common practice to keep a running total of the score for the game.

When you are playing a game of dominoes, the most important thing is to remember that every time you hit a tile, there is a small amount of energy stored in it. This energy can be used to push the next domino over or even to knock the whole structure over, causing it to fall. This process is called the domino effect and it has been known to cause major accidents in industry.